Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Fiction Writing Class Overflowing With Creative Energy

On October 14 another session of fiction writing began - bursting with creative energy and new ideas and stories from dedicated writers! We are literally filling up the new classroom which is rocking with good ideas shared by students to help each other in the writing, editing and publishing process.

Yes, it helps tremendously to have the support of a group of writers of all genres, although ultimately when the writer is at home facing the blank screen - he or she must do the writing!

I learn from my students as much as I hope I teach them about the process of writing. I still believe that writing cannot be taught - although writing can be practiced by simply writing.

One of the in class exercises is to write for 5 minutes - just write any thing that comes to mind without editing or changing the spelling, etc. It works to help cure "writer's block" and some of the students have continued to make those 5 minutes of words into a short story later.

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